We all know the saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Well that's how I made up my mind about continuing with private school as long as I can for Tigerlily.
June was a rough month for me in regards to getting Tiger to and from school. Getting her ready to go was taking over an hour and she was screaming on the way home. She also started saying she was fat and that she didn't want to eat because she would be fat and ugly. She said it on the way home from school. Tigerlily is very literal I don't know who, when or what was said but it breaks my heart that at the age of 6 my daughter is already subject to societal pressures to be pretty and thin. I started worrying about her being teased at school.
Then I ran into an acquaintance who homeschools, believes in it whole heartedly and talked about all the wonderful things they were doing etc. & then I started second guessing myself again. Tiger seriously suffered during the 5 months she was in a public school. I can't seem to let go of my guilt over sending her or how long it took me to take her out. We put her into a private school and things got much better. Still I wondered if I was doing the right thing and so I started researching homeschooling and checking out books at the library and reading blogs etc. I even set up a school room and tried.
But I can't do it. I am just not patient or strong enough. The whining, screaming, crying, meltdowns and debates just suck the life right out of me. I have a tendency to drive myself crazy trying to be a superwoman and do it all. If you can do it, more power to ya but its not working for me folks.
Today I dropped her off at her schools last week of summer camp & guess what, after being there for less than 5 minutes she asked her teacher for some math to do.
Decision made. I'll go back to work and she'll go back to school.
The High Functioning Life, where it's ok to let the professionals handle it.
HFL Mama
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