Thursday, July 28, 2016

Coffee Now & Always

I love Coffee.

I drink a lot of coffee. I rarely drink less than 2 cups a day, by which I mean two big Tigger mugs full, and frequently I drink closer to 4 or 5. I have a coffee station in my kitchen. I always need a coffee.

I'm drinking one right now.

Coffee is a part of my identity,  the world rarely sees me, without one in hand. I post coffee memes on my FB and friends and family post them to my wall daily, coffee makes people think of me eh. In fact, one of my life goals involves coffee. I was 16 living in rural Quebec with family when my aunt asked me to think about what I wanted out of life, what my goals were etc. Of course I wanted to be a famous actress, but there were some very practical goals  too.

I wanted Timmies* every day.

Some of you might be laughing at that, but if you've ever been homeless or experienced real hunger, you'll understand that my coffee goal represented a lot more, than a need for caffeine. I managed to reach that goal (off and on) and all of my other goals as well. (except the famous actress bit). In fact I've been struggling to set new goals for myself as I have so many that I am working towards that are for Tiger,..... But back to coffee.

Coffee plays a big part in my life.

Tim Horton's donated to my baby shower, providing cups and boxes and giving my friends permission to use the logo. My buddy created this for me I kept it up in my house until we moved.

Thanks Alex.

My husband makes me a coffee each morning to get me out of bed, and I make him a coffee to go, for his long commute into work. Coffee says I love you.
If I know how you take your coffee, chances are I think you're swell.
When I haven't slept through the night in weeks but still need to get up and go, coffee.
When I've got the job done, coffee. If I need the motivation to start the job coffee. If I have a problem I want to mull over with you, let's go for coffee.

& When Tiger wants to be sweet to me she knows ....

The High Functioning Life, where the answer is always coffee.

HFL Mama.

*For my international readers Tim Horton's or Timmies is a chain of Coffe/Donut shops.

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