Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hardcore Mode

I live in Canada so like it or not weather has an  impact on my life. On January 4th 2017, the weather caused lots of road closures, it was basically a blizzard so we missed our specialist appointment. I did actually try to go,  but chickened out when I reached the highway and couldn't see the intersection lights.

So calls were made and eventually our specialist called us back. She was having a rough day being the only person who made it into her office. Anyways there are laws about disclosing medical information and she was unable to give the results of our latest evaluation on the phone, or schedule another appointment within the next 5 months (sigh*), so the decision was made to mail our results to us.

Three weeks later I'm holding a medical report that states not only does my Tiger have ASD, she's also ADHD-CT. ( CT stands for combined type and I'll write a post on my interpretation of that confusion later.)
Image result for dual diagnosis meme Awesome meme!

In all honesty this wasn't a surprise to me. In fact after my initial pity party where I allow myself to whine, b*tch and moan about the unfairness of it all. I'll admit that it doesn't really impact anything in a bad way. As Daddybear says" she's still our Tigerlily, she hasn't changed".

So we've doubled up on our diagnoses and we have more information to work with and another report  to slide across the table when some unfortunate administrator starts waiving red tape in my direction. What I need to do now, is further educate myself on ADHD-CT, dual diagnosis, next steps etc.
So far the recommendations  are eerily similar to what came with her ASD with the exception of medication being suggested.

M...m....mmm...medication?!?! That is just ...... Ok I'm about to launch into a whole debate lets also leave that for another post but I will say Daddybear has strong opinions on this.

So far now that's all I've got to say, I'm going to switch over to hardcore research mode and read a whole lot more on the subjects that have been raised by this new diagnosis.

The High Functioning Life, Hardcore is an accurate description some days.

HFL Mama

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