Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Trick To Halloween

I'm just kidding, there is no trick, just grin and bear it.

We had some issues with trick or treating, nothing major. The first few houses were our neighbours whom she somewhat knows so those went well, but as we continued up the street. My baby zombie lost her words.
(yes she changed out of the princess costume and decided to be a zombie like me)
She started gesturing instead of speaking, which some people found a little offensive, myself included, I'm sorry, but she can talk, and should, there will be no rewards for backsliding in behaviour.
 We took a break to discuss the Halloween protocol, but she was clearly not taking it in. I had to remind her to use her words at every single house, both to say, "Trick or Treat" & to say, "Thank-you" and or "Happy Halloween".  She said them out of order, she said it backwards but she tried and that is what matters.
 She only went out for half an hour before she wanted to quit. She fell twice, losing her balance because she was swivelling her head all around looking at everything.  She complimented the other kids on their cool costumes and loved the dogs that were dressed up. She was having a great, but difficult time.
 There were lots of  people out, its the first year that we've tricked or treated with no snow, sleet or freezing rain!  I was all set for a long haul but she was exhausted after the second street. I ended up piggy backing her home, which she thought was fabulous until I told her I needed to put her down to readjust my hold on her and the bag. Before I could get down she just went limp and let go crashing to the sidewalk below. She screamed, she cried, she screamed some more, we could see our house so I picked her up, dusted her off and was grateful for being so short. We made it home and she sat with me to hand out candy on the porch for a bit, but it was bedtime so I sent her in to Daddybear.

Oh Boy!! Bad Candy!! Bad, Bad, Candy!! Tigerlily has an issue with this evil chemical called Tartrazine, and that crap is in almost all the coloured candy stuff. There's a reason they have to label that sh*te for you people, its a warning. Anyways occasionally we look the other way and let her have the bad candy, Halloween being one of those times. Poor kiddo convinced her Daddybear to let her have some candy before bed. ( I would have let her have chips not candy, but I was still handing out candy outside when this went down).  Poor kiddo, heart racing, sweating and pale, she can't sleep, she's too hot, she can't be still etc. Bad Candy.

So Halloween is over, and I've eaten my share of sugary junk and Tiger is hounding me endlessly for another piece of candy.  I figure if I eat two for her every one, we will get though this faster.
I may also blame the dog for the sudden disappearance of the rest of her candy. There is only so much manic munchkin I can handle.

The High Functioning Life, where every piece of candy is tricky.

Side Note: Tiger had an absolute blast playing in the Halloween makeup. She did her own and added more to mine we looked quite gruesome.

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