And here we go again.
It seems that no matter how hard we try, what sacrifices we make etc., that something else always happens to us. I swear if it wasn't for bad luck, or maybe hubby and I just used up all our good luck finding each other. For whatever reason, our life mantra is turning into: If it can go wrong, it will.
Thankfully I'm a Canadian so this is all really first world complaints.
It's actually pretty funny, I mean, I may be tempting fate here, but really its kind of ridiculous the way every single time hubby and I start to get ahead another bomb drops, I mean what else can happen.
Our Mortgage was processed incorrectly and so our payment is going up by 25%
Tuition went up this year.
Remember the job that told me they would hire me back in the fall... guess what, they meant only if I no longer required an accommodation . Sure yeah Tigers ASD was cured over the summer all she needed was vitamin D hahahaha.
That great job offer I had that was supposed to start this week, yeah they ran into roadblocks and I'm out of luck.
We had to take Tiger out of her private school, and my heart is broken. I loved our little school.
Tiger loved her little school and she was doing so well there.
At first I hoped this was only going to be a temporary thing, but it doesn't look like it will be.
Now for the good news.
We found a new school.
Actually I didn't have to jump too many hurdles for this to happen.
I visited our local school, met the principal and special education lead and it quickly became apparent that Tiger would not be going there. The yard is unfenced, ummmmm no.
The principal started in immediately with budget constraints and staffing issues.
& its this really cool open concept layout with pods and big open spaces. Totally neat but super loud and there is like 70 kids in a pod with 3 teachers and a couple EA's, not exactly a sensory friendly environment and they don't have a sensory friendly class nor were they interested in creating one.
Anyways the principal made it plain I would have to go through the board if we needed anything extra. Like EA hours , supervision at recess etc. I am so demanding ya know, I expect a known flight risk to have supervision, like what, its there job to watch over my child while she's in school.
So I called the new board. (remember we sold our house and moved to fund private school and therapy.... so a new board that doesn't know me heehee) and I reminded them that Tiger had the right to receive an education without being put at risk or harmed in the process. I also told them that I was totally uninterested in anything they had to say about budgets, given how many sacrifices we've made. I told them about Tigers first foray into school and just how badly that went. I explained her diagnosis and her needs and asked them to find me a school that was able to meet my girls needs without making her suffer before providing supports.
& They delivered!
Tiger is going to a small school a couple villages over. She is being picked up and dropped off at our house. She is met by an EA who helps her transition into class. There is support all day in her class and she has access to a beautiful developmental learning suite and a quiet room called the lounge. There is fencing, it's all on one floor. They followed my lead regarding which grade to put her in and they are working with me on an IEP getting her Physio ad OT at school and they have another HFA girl in Tigers class!! She's not alone, she's got a therapy partner!
The fly in the ointment..... the school is on the chopping block for next year.
But that's a hurdle for a later date.
Interesting fact about me, I ran hurdles in highschool.
I'm five foot one in my shoes, but I did it!
The High Functioning Life, what's one more hurdle...
HFL Mama
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