Saturday, October 1, 2016

My Needle, My Haystack.

For those of you who've been in on our story from the get go, you can skim past this next bit.

In June we were notified that Tiger had come up on the waitlist for ABA. She was also reffered back into OT, PT and a child psychologist was recommended. My Mum and Gramama both landed in the hospital, my house was scheduled for some small construction and Life was getting to be just a bit more than I could handle. I ended up leaving my job in order to accommodate my life.

In August I started looking for work again, I contacted my old company and sent out resumes and networked etc. I did a few interviews that really highlighted my spazziness. I was offered a couple positions full time, but...... I can't work full time.

Truth Time,

I would never hire me.

From an employers point of view I'm a nightmare.

I need modified hours.
I'm not super punctual (see I need a late slip)
& my absenteeism is extreme.
The majority of my life, time and heart is devoted to my daughter.
My work will always come in third place. Yes third place, first Tigerlily, then Daddybear and then work. My own needs are farther down the list, but they are easily met.

& so even though I'm a hard worker, I'm not a dedicated, call me in anytime worker. I used to be that employee, I worked 6 days a week for nearly a year for one company.

I put up with "mandatory" overtime crap from others.

But now,

There is nothing more important to me than my little family, and split shifts, rotating shifts, evenings and  weekends are all going to mess with my Tigers schedule.

If you are on this blog then you know why we don't want to mess with the schedule.

I may have found my needle in a haystack though, if it works out I'll post about it mid Nov.

Just to keep ya guessing.

The High Functioning Life, it's a 24 hr a day gig.

HFL Mama

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