Saturday, September 17, 2016

I Need A Late Slip

I hate being late. Being late to work, school or an event always makes me feel bad. Why can't I get it together, why didn't I give myself more time, how do I program alerts and or use the calendar on this crazy super iPhone? Why does Tiger always have issues on our way out the door?

I like to think that I've got things under control, but if punctuality is any indicator,....
 I don't. Tiger has been back in school for 9 days now and we've been late 5 of them, once dramatically (40 minutes is a bit much). Sometimes, I swear the universe is against me. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, I can pack lunches the night before, have everything by the door and get up 3 hrs before we need to leave  making sure that I am completely ready to go before waking my wee beastie up and that will be the day the dog starts puking all over the place or Tiger has an hour long melt down over socks, or there will be a truck parked in front of my driveway, with no driver to be found!, yes that actually happened, I drove over the lawn to get out (I love my truck).

 So as much as I hate to be late, I recognize that not everything is within my power to control. However, if that sneaky black cat gets out the back door, one more time, he'll just have to stay out.
Image result for late slip meme

The High Functioning Life, please don't be offended when we are late.

HFL Mama.

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