Well it happened again. It seems that early in the year, every year, my Tiger gets seriously ill.
Not just a cold kind of ill, I mean weight loss, unconsciousness and this year a racing heartbeat off to the emergency department we go, kind of ill.
Last year it was almost a month before they figured out it wasn't a virus but a lymph node infection.
The year before that, it was bronchial pneumonia. This year it was, a new super virus. I know this, because it took four people to hold my Tiger down for a blood draw and 2 people, to hold her for the chest Xrays and we never did manage to get her to pee in the cup. The kid can withhold for days. Eventually her fever broke and her heart rate slowed and we were home around 4 am.
Anyways, this years illness came with a sore throat, which meant Tigerlily wouldn't eat.
If you ever say "They'll eat when they're hungry" I'll tell ya to " Kiss my sashimi."
but that's an argument for another day.
So that happy dance I was doing over Tiger having broken the 40 pound barrier is over.
She was really sick for four days and lost 4 lbs. I tried everything last week to get her to eat but it was crushed ice and icy water only with the occasional popsicle to pacify Daddy. Now her stomach has shrunk down to nothing and she hates the feeling of being full so its BAKING TIME! Cookies and cakes, muffins and breads, as many calories as I can get into the girl before she has to return to school after our March break.
As you all know the other reason I bake is to relieve stress.
I admit it I'm a stress baker and stress eater, so those pounds I lost running back and forth between daycare munchkins and Tiger all week well I don't think they'll stay gone long.
Oh yeah, I may have failed to mention that I opened a home daycare as my solution to not being able to find employment that wouldn't mess with Tigerlily care. (shhhhh I know, I know, quit with the I told you so, I admit it, you were right).
Yes my new job is to play with kids all day and its lots of fun. After Tigerlily the neurotypicals are so easy. Seriously, I love the munchkins, I'm just not making any money, because I turn around and spend it on stuff for the rugrats, right now I've got my eye on a sweet wagon to get them home from the park in. Too bad I spent $650 on an emergency vet visit on Monday night.
Yeah its been a long week.
I think I'll go bake something for the rugrats.
The High Functioning Life, it's more like 2 steps forward and 10 steps back.
HFL Mama
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