If you are reading this and your child is non verbal I hereby acknowledge that your road is much rockier than mine.
There was a time when Tiger had lost her language and I was left trying to interpret her screams. The pain one is easy, so high pitched you share in the pain.
Rage starts off almost growly and then crescendos into a scream
and you get the picture.
For the last two weeks I've been dealing with a sick tiger. She's been out of school 7 of 10 days and looks like she will be home again tomorrow. One of the things I use to gage Tigers health is her speech patterns.
A singing child is a healthy child.
A whiny tiger probably needs a nap or is having some tummy trouble.
Silent Tiger means serious illness, doctors and meds.
This afternoon Tiger got quiet, 102.9f. = not good.
I have her back down to 98 right now, but I won't be sleeping tonight as she'll need to be monitored.
One of my big fears is that my Tiger may suffer a regression, one that might be severe enough to render her speechless. Giving our girl meds is a tricky business, she is extremely light with a high metabolic rate and sensitive to chemicals. We may end up in the hospital before we beat this round of flu, cold, ?
Last week the doc said it was viral so no meds but now she sounds all squeky and has this fever I'm scared of, so we'll see what they say tomorrow when we go back to the doctor for the 3rd time in 14 days.
The High Functioning Life where medical mileage is a thing you actually claim on your taxes.
Update: Tiger has a lymph node infection as well as a virus and now we might need to see yet another specialist. One thing about Tiger being sick is that she is so easy to take care of. Normally the girl runs me ragged, but, when she's not feeling well she is amazingly well behaved.
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