As I was writing my welcome post, it occurred to me that I shouldn't use too many abbreviations, in case some readers are new to this lifestyle, and that reminded me of my job interview with my current employer where I joked about my second language being ASD. ( Yes I make jokes about it). It's cool they still hired me.
Autism does have its own language though, which my interviewer understood as she has a special needs sister. ( do you think that worked in my favour hmmmm) We joked about how every diagnosis should come with its own translation guide especially for acronyms. I found one I liked at its pretty straight forward. I recommend not driving yourself crazy trying to learn all of them and maybe just stick to the ones that apply to your situation.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Abbreviations That I'm guilty of using without thought.
ABA=Applied Behaviour Analysis
This is a therapy where we look for cause and effect and then try to train your child kinda like you would a puppy.
ASD= Autism Spectrum Disorder (s)
OK all of you stand under this umbrella.
Aspie=Person with Asperger's
hmmmm can we talk about something else now.
ADD=Attention Deficit Disorder
aka Squirrels
ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
aka squirrels on caffeine
ADOS=Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale
scary scary test that you don't want high marks on.
HFA=High Functioning Autism
You are definetly rocking to your own beat but at least you hear the music
IBI=Intensive Behavioural Intervention
Help this kid stat !
IEP=Individual Education Plan
don't get me started......grrrrrrrrrrr
LD=Learning Disability
NT=Neuro Typical
OCD=Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
ODD=Oppositional Defiance Disorder
OT=Occupational Therapy or Therapist
PECS=Picture Exchange Communication System
PT=Physio or Physical Therapist
Alright so now I can tell you Tiger Lily had her first ADOS at 18 months of age which revealed that she was HFA and needed, PT, OT, ABA and IBI as well as speech therapy. She will never be considered an aspie due to her speech delay and we are all OK.
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