Monday, May 22, 2017

Random Apologies

It has been brought to my attention that all the pretty pics and funny memes that I've posted have gone bye bye.

I dunno folks, technology is not my thang.

So I'm sorry if you can't see them, they were good eh!

Maybe one of my more tech savvy friends will fix it ?

Anyone wanna help HFL Mama out?


(insert sounds of crickets)

Sorry, I'm more popular in France than here in Canada.

Désolé mes amis, j'essaie ... un peu

The High Functioning Life, being lived all over the world.

Green Eyed Monster

Tigerlily has inherited my green eyes, both physically and emotionally.

I'll say it, I get jealous ... a lot and over a lot of things. Thick eyebrows, sleeping in, time for anything lol.

Daddybear finds it hilarious when I scowl at waitresses for being too flirty with him, he swears its in my head, but I know what I have with him is precious and like a dragon, I'm guarding my treasure of a man.
(He's going to laugh when he reads that line, but it doesn't make it any less true).

Yes I'm a green eyed monster.

So if you follow this blog you may remember my finally giving in and opening a home daycare in order to make some money. Not making much over here, I tend to spend it as fast as I make it eh.
Well daycare means, little monsters in my house who all need my attention and  Tiger is not pleased with this.

One of the munchkins has taken to calling me MamaMissa and this moniker makes Tigerlily furious.

"She's not your Mama, She's my Mama!"
"I want my Mama!"

Yes Tigerlily is a green eyed monster, it doesn't matter how little they are, she does not like sharing.
Only child syndrome maybe,  just a little more extreme.  She latches on to me and refuses to let go whenever she hears another kid call me Mama.

Daycare may have been a mistake, as the littles make her furious in the mornings.
Every kid cries when they get dropped at daycare, & she hates the noise.
However when she gets off the bus, she loves to help change nappies and play outside with them.
I just can't carry or cuddle any of the wee beasties in front of her or watch out!

She really is ferocious in her ownership of me! She has been laying on the love like you wouldn't believe. It's been a few months now and she won't let up.
I'm hoping she'll be better about my carrying the 10 month old around or maybe she'll relent when she is home for the summer.

I guess we will see.

Only six weeks until our Canada Day 150 Party! and then its summer holidays.

The High Functioning Life, be jealous of me, I've got a Tigerlily who loves me.