Monday, December 19, 2016

My Patronus Is A Beaver

Guess what I've been watching!
If you can't just go now cuz I'm not explaining my HP references today.

Anyways for my fellow HP fans I was up very late last night and somewhere around  4 am I decided that I absolutely love the idea of having a spirit animal, Patronus.

I then started assigning different animals to different people and they weren't as obvious as you might suppose.

For example I think Daddybear would actually have an Orca as his spirit animal.
I think Tigerlily would have a skunk and I think a beaver would be fitting for me.

OK obviously I've had no sleep and this is a weird post but I just thought I'd put it out there.

I think I have the spirit of a beaver. I'm very industrious, I like to be productive in a tangible way. I tend to alter the environment around me to suit my families needs etc. Anyways a quick google found this and I want one.
Image result for beaver patronus

Maybe I should sleep while Tiger is in school, I'm devoting too much thought to this idea.
& I'm not sure I should really use a rodent as a reflection of myself , but it is very Canadian of me eh!

The High Functioning Life, where 4am's bright ideas sound a little silly after I've had a coffee.

HFL Mama